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Helping complex information to flow efficiently

workmen in hard hats


Airmic is the association for everyone who has a responsibility for risk management or insurance in their organisation. They provide a platform for professionals to stay in touch, to communicate with each other and share ideas and information.

Airmic moved to the Drupal platform and required an initial implementation and ongoing support for fixes and enhancements and chose us for the job.

Matt Goldmsith, Digital Marketing Manager, said:

“What I take away most from my working relationship with Code Enigma is primarily the depth of knowledge that the front line developers have, not only of our environment but of Drupal in general.

I love being able to go with a relatively simple question (for them) that has me stumped and not feel like a fool, and also go away with that knowledge now saved for the future. I have requested multiple projects in ways that I thought would work, to be given a better solution that probably saved more time implementing.

I feel like our environment is safe in Code Enigma's hands.”

We asked Matt what he’d say to a potential client if they were on the fence about whether to work with us and he said he’d recommend us, commenting:


Code Enigma's has a great set of developers and front line staff. Deep Drupal knowledge and can help you find solutions that you may not have thought of. Candour when important security issues come up, and prompt actions and solution proposals. Great price point and you feel like your environment is understood and in safe hands.

Matt Goldsmith - Digital Manager

We'd love to know how we can help your project contact us

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