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Hosting and support for online media


The Economist Group is a British multinational media company headquartered in London. It's best known as publisher of The Economist. They specialise in international business and world affairs information. They have been Code Enigma clients since day dot. And we're proudly still supporting them to this day.

If you want to talk about developing long-standing relationships, they don't come much longer than this. Our director, Greg Harvey, began working with them in 2010. When Code Enigma formed, they came along for the ride!

What we did

As well as building the incarnation of their online presence for Business Intelligence, we provided ongoing hosting and support. We helped them with everything from new technical challenges to editor support.

We did some really interesting work with them over the years. Ranging from event payment systems to CRM integrations. We even did some advanced online TV features to comprehensive events management systems.

Finally, we also helped them launch their charity, The Economist Foundation, assisting with the first iteration of their website. As well as Economist Insights, the global home for their research and events divisions on the internet.

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